Zero LGBT opposition to misopedia

Howdy y’all. We all know that phags molest kids at 30 to 60 times the rate of straights (the math is simple: one to two percent of the population is phags, and 60% of misopedia convictions are for phags. 30 to 60 times – that’s 3000 to 6000% more).

I had the lovely experience of debating queers in fagberg (they eventually false flagged me and my account was blocked – such civil “people”). Their main argumentation tactic was to repeat that Catholic priests have a pedophilia problem. Well if you check that, it isn’t true – Catholic priests have a misopedia rate far lower than the population at large. You could very well argue from these standard statistics that Catholicism is a cure for misopedia. Further, the Catholic Church and many other religious organizations have created action committees and organizations to combat the existing misopedes in the ranks. So this begs the question: where is the LGBT opposition to misopedia?


click to enlarge. Research shows: faggits have zero organization against misopedia (“pedophilia”)

In my search I tried “gay opposition to pedophilia” and “LGBT opposition to pedophilia”. The results left show: 1) an ad by the occupying italian government for queers to come and steal money from italian taxpayers at their geigh center 2) a study on misopede statistics from the NIH 3) the wankapedia article on a murican kiddie rapist association (which is btw totally legal) NAMBLA 4)’s repoasting of a study’s obvious results saying queers are more often misopedes 5) an often-linked “study” by headshrinkers (far more often crazy themselves than the normal population) claiming the opposite 6) a search on for articles related to “pedophilia” 7) Ted Cruz’s dad saying legalization of faggitry will lead to legalization of misopedia, then the same thing from infowars, then at the very bottom an ad (ironically) for a intra-religious organization against misopedia, then the second and third pages filled with just tens more of irrelevant results. Okay then, it’s official: exactly zero queers are concerned about misopedia and are organizing to stop it.

Figured you already knew that, but we figured we’d sum it all up here. OM and Amen


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